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Chip Clark Memorial Fund

Donate in Memory of Chip Clark

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Honoring Chip’s Legacy Through Conservation and Healing

Chip was a passionate fisherman who never missed an opportunity to cast a line into a trout stream. He built many lifelong friendships through fly fishing and the outdoors. Chip was also deeply passionate about the preservation of the streams we fish to ensure this sport is around for generations to come.

Some of his favorite places to fish included the Cane River in Western North Carolina; Motueka River and within the Kahurangi National Park in South New Zealand; Snake River in Wyoming; Madison River, Firehole River, Ruby River in Montana; many loughes and streams in Sligo, Ireland; and Patagonia, Chile.

f you feel compelled, please consider a donation to Project Healing Waters in memory of Chip. This honors Chip’s father’s military service as a field surgeon treating wounded soldiers near the front lines in the 8055th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) during the Korean War as well as Chip’s passion for fly fishing and the great outdoors.